© Vito Pasquale |
The Gallery at Still River Editions is pleased to announce:
Fourteen Threadless Needles
Photographs by Vito Pasquale
January 5 - March 30, 2012
Opening reception Saturday, January 28, 2012 4-6 pm*
*Snow date: Saturday, February 4, 2012, 4 - 6 pm
Vito Pasquale is a photographer and writer from Mount Kisco, NY. He is one of those people who, upon retiring from the full-time job he'd done in corporate America for almost thirty years, began to "peek down, as Frost would call it, 'the road not taken'". In 2008, Pasquale returned to writing after a long hiatus, and in 2009 he began taking photographs that reflected some of the themes in his writing. His book of poetry,
Fourteen Threadless Needles, was published in 2011.
Many of Pasquale's photographs are abstracts and photo-manipulations that go beyond taking the world at face value. In his poem, "(Somewhere) After Silence (and) Before Regret", Pasquale refers to ". . .the surprisingly elastic properties of a dream." The photographs dance around that dream-state in the everyday.
Included in the show are several photographs that relate to Pasquale's history in the Danbury area. He grew up in Mount Kisco, NY and his father worked in Danbury until 1966 at a construction company that was located near the site of the train station just up Liberty Street. Coincidentally, this is a short distance from the Gallery at Still River Editions.
The fourteen photographs are
connected to poems posted online via QR codes, which viewers can scan using their smart phones, or look at online in the gallery.