"James Dean with a 1949 Mercury"
© Chris Osborne
Fine artist Chris Osborne will be exhibiting "Who's Driving? Legendary Cars and Legendary Stars" at the Golden Age of Trucking Museum from November 15, 2009 until November 2010. There will be an artist's reception from 2-4 pm on November 15. The museum is located at 1101 Southford Rd., Middlebury, CT.

Chris Osborne's art bridges a love of cars and a love of music and film. Often familiar faces are paired with significant automobiles--Marilyn Monroe with a pink 1956 Thunderbird, Johnny Cash with a 1954 Chevy pickup, Robert Johnson with a 1935 Hudson Terraplane. When she is not traveling the country with her artwork, she sometimes drives around in a green vintage Chevy truck of her own.
Osborne says of the museum, "I love the museum for the quality of the displays and the sense of history, and I am grateful for the chance to be a part of it over the next year. The antique trucks are truly impressive. The museum has always been very supportive of my work; they sell my posters in their gift shop."
On exhibit will be original paintings, as well as digital fine art prints and posters.
"Green Bean" and Chris Osborne
© Chris Osborne